General Services


Out Door Food Service
General Adverts
Contact Us
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On this page we'll provide detailed information about adverts and fundraising. The venues and times to attend  the events.

There is a lot of information to read help you understand
what our plans are to provide services that will benefit
people locally, nationally and Internationally.
There is great concern about the poverty that is affecting
people around the world. It is no good just talking aboutit.
The problem needs to be addressed practically.
Now that we have started, we will finish reach and cross
the winning line.
You will find us doing something in own countries and cities
setting up services and projects adding more so that people
will move forward and not trapped in poverty.
Adverts will appear wherever it is posible to promote and
bring awareness to people that help is at hand. There is more
work going on to help people. We are just contributing
to what is already there.
We have started selling food cheaply to those who need it
in their Communities, we shall add more promotion work
at fundraising events joining other people doing the
same at venues. food will be be our priority, to feed
people to encourage them maintain health, safe guard
their well being and not to starve!

The advert is about promoting the food Service
in Communities. See the example of food we shall
be serving. Basic food that people will eat in their
everday life. The Emergency food will benefit you
to eat food while you are experiencing financial
difficulties to help keep you in good health even
if for a short time. Do not ignore this service
You can not afford to go without food in your stomach
for even a day never mind a few hours.  The stomach
starts to ramble. Your response, I am so hungry
I could eat a horse!  Well the horse is probably
hungry too needs food, we both need to eat in order
to keep healthy!
You can download the leaflet with pictures of some
food we shall be serving. We shall be distributing by
handouts, Notice Boards, in Community Centres, Retail
and convenient shops on the Internet too. You can
print the pdf format the leaflet is in and hand
them out. Help spread the word around. We expect
all sorts of people to turn up to have something to eat.
Do not go hungary eat when the opportunity is there!
Come along if you can't beat them join them!      

Group Food Promotion Leaflet pdf Download

Information Digital Currency Now Turns Cash To Spend

click here to download file

Store/Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am -5pm